Dale Velzy "422"

Dale Velzy "422" - 9'8", red pin line. All original. Real cool Stick. Bitchen foamy. Built by hand by the man himself in the 80's along with about 20 others for a special run with Hap Jacobs, and he built about 20 in the run also. He shaped the "442's".

This one that Dale shaped has never been surfed, and is a beautiful example of Dales craftmanship. I'm proud to say he was my friend. We were in the same surf club together.

Price: $1,800

Deck of Dale Velzy 422 Deck of 1973 Bonzer

Deck and Bottom of Dale Velzy 422
Click on images for larger view

Fin of 1973 Bonzer

Fin of Dale Velzy 422
Click on images for larger view

Logo of 1973 Bonzer

Logo of Dale Velzy "422"
Click on images for larger view

Sideview of Dale Velzy 422

Sideview of Dale Velzy "422"
Click on images for larger view